سیاسی و روابط بین الملل::
رانت خواری
In this context, governance was advanced as an alternative conception of authority expressed through institutions that would insulate markets from rent-seeking 'distributional coalitions' (Olson 1982).
Individuals can thus be drawn directly into market processes while bypassing competitive politics presumed to be rent-seeking.
Second, corruption and rent-seeking associated with needed government interventions cannot be addressed simply by privatization or liberalization.
Th e conventional criticism of rent-seeking presumes that rents created by governmental interventions will be completely dissipated by rent-seeking behaviour, causing rent-seeking to be completely wasteful.
State capacities can and should be strengthened to better motivate innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour, while improving regulations to reduce associated rent-seeking.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران